Playtime With Your Dog: 3 Safety Tips

Playtime with your dog is important for your dog. It's exercise for your dog and can stimulate their brain, in addition to keeping them in good shape. Playtime can be a number of things, including playing tug-of-war, fetch, or even just wrestling with your dog on the floor. This time with your dog is fun for them, but it needs to be done safely to prevent your dog from getting injured or anyone else in your household getting injured. [Read More]

What to Do If Your Dog Is Not Behaving Normally

When your dog's behavior or personality is off, it can be worrisome. Your dog can't communicate with you like a human can, but that doesn't mean it isn't somehow telling you that something is wrong. If your dog has something wrong with them or is acting differently, you need to keep an eye on them to see what may be wrong, as they may tell you in other ways. Read on for what you can do if your dog is displaying irregular behavior. [Read More]

How to Treat Bladder Stones in Dogs

If you have just gotten a dog, it's a good idea to learn about different medical conditions that your breed might be prone to so he or she can get the help she needs. One condition you should be aware of is bladder stones, which can be a medical emergency. Read on to learn more about bladder stones and how they can be treated. What are they exactly? You may be familiar with gallstones, which are hardened deposits of bile, and kidney stones which are hardened mineral deposits. [Read More]

Preparing Your Dog For Boarding: Tips For You

If you are planning to go away for a while, you will need someone to take care of your dog. Pet boarding is often the best option in such cases as you can be sure that your dog will get the care they need from caring and compassionate professionals. However, if you have never boarded your dog before you may be wondering what you can or should do to prepare them for the pet boarding process. [Read More]