How Can You Prevent Bladder Crystals And Inflammation In Your Cat?

Because cats have a low thirst drive and higher alkaline levels in their urine, they can be prone to urinary crystals. Urinary crystals are made up of minerals, like calcium, magnesium, and phosphate. If these crystals get too large, they can cause cystitis, or bladder inflammation. Urinary crystals are common with UTIs, and a cat may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as straining or bloody urine. Thankfully, there are things you can do to prevent bladder inflammation and the buildup of crystals; read on to learn more. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Have Your Puppy Microchipped Before A Big Move

If you're planning on moving sometime soon, there are likely many things on your mind. If you have a puppy, this can be a significant source of concern for you since you'll want your puppy to be comfortable. Instead of being concerned about how your puppy will arrive at your new home, it's a good idea to look into having them microchipped for safety reasons. If you've never had a dog microchipped before, consider why you should have this service scheduled before your move. [Read More]

3 Incredible Ways To Prepare For Your First Vet Visit Or Clinic

Your dog's first visit to a veterinarian or vet clinic can be a bit challenging simply because your furry friend will naturally get nervous. It could also be a nerve-racking experience for you if the pet doesn't want to cooperate. Of course, the dog won't understand why a vet visit is necessary for them. However, you should help them ease the stress and anxiety that come with it. But how do you get prepared for a successful visit? [Read More]

Visit A Vet Clinic If Your Dog Is Frequently Constipated

If you've ever suffered from constipation, you know that it can be an unpleasant condition that often requires some form of help. Dogs can also deal with constipation at various times in their lives, and there are several different reasons that this issue may occur. While a brief period of constipation in your pet dog isn't necessarily a big concern, you should schedule an appointment at your veterinary clinic if the issue is occurring frequently. [Read More]