A Caring Hand and a Gentle Touch

Time To Say Goodbye? Why You Should Choose In-Home Pet Euthanasia

If your pet has reached the end of their life, and you've decided on euthanasia, you might be worried about the surroundings. Many people think that pet euthanasia must take place in the veterinarian's office, but that's not the case. You can choose to have your pet euthanized in the comfort of your own home. When you choose in-home euthanasia, the veterinarian comes to you. They also stay with you throughout the process. Here are just four reasons to choose in-home euthanasia for your beloved pet. 

Create a Peaceful Setting

If your pet has become a member of the family, you want to make their last moments on earth as peaceful as possible. Unfortunately, that's difficult to do when you're in a sterile veterinary office. When you choose in-home euthanasia for your pet, you have the ability to create a peaceful setting for them. You can choose the type of setting you want for your pet's final goodbyes. 

Keep Your Pet Comfortable

If your pet has been experiencing pain or anxiety during these last days, you want to keep them comfortable and calm. Unfortunately, traveling to the veterinarian's office might increase the pain and anxiety. That's why you should arrange to have your pet euthanized at home. When you choose in-home euthanasia, you won't need to set your pet up for transport. That means they won't need to be placed in a travel crate or carried to the car. Instead, they'll be able to remain in their own bed, surrounded by the people they love. 

Extend the Grieving Process

If your pet has reached the point where euthanasia is the only humane option, you know that you and your family are going to go grieve. Unfortunately, most veterinary offices aren't able to provide for an extended goodbye. In fact, you might find that you only have a few minutes to say goodbye after your pet passes. When your pet is euthanized at home, you can take as much time as you need to say those final goodbyes. When you're ready to say goodbye, the veterinarian will take your pet back to the clinic to prepare them for burial. 

Allow Family to Come and Go

If your pet has become part of the family, there may be many people who want to say goodbye to them. Unfortunately, veterinary offices have limited space, which means some family members will be left out of the process. One of the benefits of choosing in-home euthanasia is that family members will have the opportunity to spend some time with your pet before they go to sleep for the final time. This is also beneficial for young children who might not be able to stay through the entire process. 

Contact a company like Paws to Rest to learn more about in-home euthanasia.
